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Your little Goodies Guide


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Baked Pandebonos

Gluten-Free Cheese Bread

Storage Tips

May be stored in sealed bag at room temperature for up to 3 days. 

May be stored in fridge for up to 2 weeks

May be stored in Freezer for up to 3 months

Heating Instructions

Heating is Not Necessary. You may warm up using a Toaster or Oven.  Remove the desired amount from sealed bag, Heat pandebono at 300 degrees, for 5 to 10 min.  You may also microwave for 10 - 15 seconds. 


Ingredients: Corn Flour, Corn Starch, Yuca Starch, Milk, Eggs, Salt, tapioca flour & Cheese.

UN-Baked Pandebonos

Gluten-Free Cheese Bread

Storage Tips

May be stored in fridge for up to 3 days before baking.

May be stored in Freezer for up to 6 months before baking.

Heating Instructions

Remove the desired amount from sealed bag, Heat pandebono at 350 degrees, for 30 to 40 min. Both ooven and toaster will be good options.


Ingredients: Corn Flour, Corn Starch, Yuca Starch, Milk, Eggs, Salt, tapioca flour & Cheese.


Delicious & Tasty

Storage Tips

Empanadas may be a bit damp after arriving, this is natural since they have been pre-fryied.

May last in fridge for up to 5 - 7 days.

May last in freezer for up to 6 months

Heating Intructions

Defrost or Frozen

Oven or  Toaster Oven:  empanadas Baked at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until  Golden Crispy. 

Fryer:   Deep fryer at 325 degrees, Preheat enough oil to cover the empanadas. Fry for 2 minutes, Drain on paper towel.

Ingredients: Crust: 100 % Yellow Corn. Stuffing: Potatoes, Scallions, Chicken, Beef or Vegetable.


Delicious & Tasty

Storage Tips

May be stored in sealed bag at room temperature for up to 3 days. 

May be stored in fridge for up to 2 weeks

May be stored in Freezer for up to 3 months

Heating Instructions

 For Best Results, Use a Toaster or Oven.  Remove the desired amount  from sealed bag, 

Heat pandebonos at 300 degrees, for 5 to 10 min.  You may also microwave for 10 - 15 seconds. 


Delicious & Tasty

Storage Tips

May be stored in sealed bag at room temperature for up to 3 days. 

May be stored in fridge for up to 2 weeks

May be stored in Freezer for up to 3 months

Heating Instructions

Heating is Not Necessary. To warm up, you may use a Toaster or Oven.  Remove the desired amount from sealed bag, 

Heat pandebonos at 300 degrees, for 5 to 10 min.  You may also microwave for 10 - 15 seconds. 


Delicious & Tasty

Storage Tips

Store in fridge for up to 7 days

Store in freezer for up to 3months


Triple Blended Coffee Beans

How do I know if it's Good Coffee?

We like to think of Specialty Coffee similar to that of a delicious fine wine. Just like wine, coffee beans will vary depending on factors like region, local climates, and method used to grow and harvest the coffee cherries.

Specialty Coffee will, most often, have a light or medium roast, to allow the beans flavors to pop. A very dark roast is most often a sign that it may be a lower quality bean as the darker roast will mask the true flavors of the coffee bean. But it does not necessarily mean that all dark roast coffee in the market is of lesser quality either.

Coffeecol is proud of our specialty coffee and of its quality. At Coffeecolbean Roastery in Filandia, we choose to roast at a Med-Dark Roast where we preserve the nutrients and profile of the coffee while also infusing some of those rich and familiar flavors we love so much in darker roasts.

Should I Buy Whole Bean?

It depends, but yes, you probably should. We believe if you have the extra few minutes in the morning you should definitely think about grinding your own beans. The first benefit is that it's really fun and makes your morning that much more satisfying. 


Another benefit is that having your coffee as a bean rather than ground will preserve the coffee for much longer. It allows you to have a fresher cup of coffee by grinding before use.


The only bad part is the extra time that it takes to grind which is why we recommend having a mix of ground and beans in your home. By having a mix you will be able to use the ground coffee on those days you aren't able to grind.

Filtered Coffee
Pouring Coffee into Filter
Serving Coffee

What amount of coffee should I use?

Great question, unfortunately this is a very controversial topic as it really just comes down to preference. A good rule of thumb is about 60gr of Coffee for 1000 ml of water.


However, we should consider the method that we are using to make our cup of coffee. Keep in mind that not all of the water will end up as coffee when using the pour over which isn't the case for a French press where you will have some more water that makes it to your cup of coffee. These small variations are good things to keep in mind and understanding what makes your cup of coffee that much better.

Do I really Need a Scale?

Over some time, you may become very good at eyeballing just the right amount for your morning brew, but if you really want to make certain that great cup of coffee every time, a scale is a must have. 


This is especially a must have if you truly want to experiment with different methods and preparations with a consistently great cup of coffee. When being your own barista it's important to understand what small changes impact your brew.

Coffee Stand
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